A fist to the danged arm!

In conversation about the influence of the long arm of foreign regimes on Dutch politics with Thijs Reuten, Kati Piri, Mahaar Fattal and activists, with music

by Jamal Hamid

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Wednesday May 29, 2024

7:00 PM – 9:30 PM

KABUL at GoGo Gietijzerstraat 3

3534 AV Utrecht

• Kati Piri(2e kamerlid)
• Thijs Reuten (Europarlementslid))
• Mahaar Fattal ( raadslid)
• Said Bouddouft: Rif/Marokko
• Habtom Johannes: Eritrea
• Parisa Pouyande: Iran(CFPPI)
•Alerk Ablikim
Vertegenwoordiger Oeigoeren en Tibetanen in Nederland