Sunday, March 30, 2025

Urgent Appeal to Stop Executions in Iran

17 January 2024


To: Governments worldwide, the United Nations, the European Union, and the European Parliament
We, the undersigned, are profoundly concerned about the escalating rate of executions in Iran.
The Islamic regime in Iran has long used executions as a means of suppression and punishment for dissent. However, in recent years, the rate of executions has dramatically increased. This alarming trend is particularly evident since the 2022 protests and the tragic death in custody of Mahsa (Jina) Amini, and over a hundred detainees sentenced to execution based on fabricated charges. In 2023 alone, rights organizations documented at least 800 executions which encompass individuals imprisoned under drug-related charges. The rate indicates a 30% increase from the previous year, making it the country with the world’s highest execution per capita. The rate of execution particularly has increased while the world’s attention is on the Hamas-Israel conflict, and the regime uses this opportunity to execute prisoners daily.

The judicial system in Iran is not a fair one as there is no due process. Those accused of committing a crime are often denied proper legal representation and are tried in kangaroo courts. The regime frequently resorts to torturing prisoners to extract false confessions and uses groundless charges against political dissenters to justify their execution sentences. One particularly appalling case is that of Mr. Mojahed Kourkour, sentenced to execution for a crime he did not commit. Even the grieving parents of the victim, Kian Pirfalak, a nine-year-old child, publicly and repeatedly asserted Mojahed’sinnocence, confirming that Kian was shot dead by the regime’s security forces in 2022.

We respectfully urge governments worldwide, the United Nations, the European Union, and the European Parliament to take immediate and tangible actions to compel the Iranian regime to overturn these execution sentences and halt all executions. We firmly believe that the international community bears the responsibility to safeguard the right to life and put an end to capital punishment.

 Signed by: (In alphabetical order)

  1.     6Rang (Iranian Lesbian and Transgender Network)

2.     Abolition of the Death Penalty in Iraq

3.     Alborz, Paris – collectif en soutien au soulèvement “Femme, Vie, Liberté”- France

4.     Artivism 4 Iran

5.     Azadi Network- UK

6.     Balochisan Human Rights Group ( BHRG)

7.     Campaign Against Criminalising Communities (CAMPACC)

8.     Campaign to free jailed workers in Iran (Free them now)

9.     Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI)

10.  Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture (CCVT)

11.  Canadians for Democracy in Iran(CDI)

12.  Children First Now (International Campaign for Children’s Rights)

13.  Founding Iranian Kurdish women- the Netherlands

14.  Free Uyghur Association

15.  Freedom for Iran Solidarity Council

16.  Hana Human Rights Organization

17.  Hengaw Organization for Human Rights

18.  International Committee Against Execution (ICAE)

19.  Iranian Justice Collective

20.  Kurdish Women Institute Against Discrimination

21.  MARA – Community Belarusians-The Netherlands

22.  Me too movement Iran

23.  Menschenrechte-Eindundzwanzig  e.V (Human Rights in 21st Century Association)-Germany

24.  No to Taboo, No to Violence Against Women Institute

25.  Peace in Kurdistan Campaign

26.  Peter Tatchell Foundation

27.  Rif Alert- The Netherlands

28.  Simorgh network

29.  Solidarity with Iranian BC

30.  Stop Child Executions

31.  The New Iran

32.  Tibet Support Group- The Netherland

33.  United for Iran

34.  Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)

35.  Women’s Revolution Organization

36.  Zagros Foundation

* January 13-20th , is a week of global action against executions in Iran and groups around the world will be partaking in various activities (rallies, press conferences, meetings etc ) on this theme of halting the urgent executions.  The above statement has been sent to governments around the world as well as international organisations such as the UN and EU.

Also please see weekly update of:

List of political prisoners in Iran sentenced to execution/in danger of being given death sentence

Campaign to Free Political Prisoners (CFPPI) is calling on individuals and organizations to join the efforts in preventing executions in Iran by taking specific actions to raise awareness and advocate for change.

You or your organization can make a significant impact by:

1. Sending letters, petitions, and communication to members of parliament in your respective countries, the European Union (, the European Parliament (, and the United Nations ( Urge them to take effective actions to pressure the regime in Iran to cease executions.
2. Expressing solidarity on social media platforms by using the provided list of names as hashtags for individuals sentenced to execution. Additionally, use the hashtag #StopExecutionsInIran to amplify your support and raise awareness about the issue.

By participating in these actions, you contribute to the collective effort to end executions in Iran and advocate for human rights. Your engagement is crucial in making a positive impact on the global stage.

For further information or media inquiries, please contact:

Shiva Mahbobi
Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI)

+44(0) 7572356661



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