Wednesday, March 12, 2025

We must stand up against the torture and killing of detainees


The lives of the detainees are in danger

On Monday, January 2, 2023, the body of Hider Azimi, 36 years old, the father of 3 children, was arrested about a month ago in Tabriz protests. Meanwhile, he was handed over to his family, who was killed in Tabriz prison on December23 due to beatings and torture by the intelligence torturers of the Islamic regime. . . His body was buried under strict security measures without holding any ceremony on behalf of the family.

During a short phone call with his family, he announced that intelligence interrogators tortured him to force him to confess to killing a Basij (security) member during the Tabriz protests.

It is not the first time that the repressive Islamic regime kills them not only by torture and beating but also by shooting them in prison.

Also, during the protest of the prisoners of Karaj Central Prison on 17 December 2023, a young man, Siamak Baba, was shot and his body was handed over to his family on 20 December.

Mehdi Zare Ashkaziri, one of the recent detainees, fell into a coma due to torture and eventually died.

Following news of the death of prisoners due to torture and the issuing of death sentences, today we received news about the deployment of special units around Rajaeeshahr prison in Karaj on Thursday morning.

Mohammad Qabadlo is one of the arrested protesters who has a death sentence and is in this prison. There is cause for concern about the implementation of Mohammad Qabadlo’s sentence.

For many years, the Islamic Republic has tried to suppress the voices of prisoners, the voices of detainees and the voice of the revolution by taking forced confessions, creating false and baseless cases and issuing heavy sentences. But this protest and this revolution will not stop until the destruction of the Islamic Republic.

The campaign to free Political Prisoners in Iran, while sympathizing with Haider Azimi’s family and other victims, asks all the people to gather in front of the prison doors together with the families of the detainees and political prisoners and demand their release and not allow another tragedy to happen to our loved ones.

campaign to free Political Prisoners in Iran

January 12, 2023


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