Saturday, February 22, 2025

May 14th: the International Day of Protest to save Ahmad Reza Jalali


4 May 2022

May 14th: the International Day of Protest to save Ahmad Reza Jalali

The Iranian state-run ISNA news agency quoted “informed sources” as saying that Ahmad Reza Jalali, a jailed dual national, would be executed by the end of 20th May 2022.

Ahmad Reza Jalali, an Iranian-Swedish researcher, has been held hostage by the Islamic government since 2016, six years ago, and has been sentenced to death since 2017, which has been approved by the Supreme Court of the Islamic regime. He has repeatedly denied the allegations against himself, saying he was forced to confess under physical and psychological tortures. He is innocent and should be released immediately.

For the Islamic regime, the hostage-taking of Ahmad Reza Jalali and other dual-nationals is a means of ransom -taking and extortion in the international level. Now, at the end of Hamid Nouri’s trial in Stockholm and Prosecutor’s request for life imprisonment for his participation in the murder of a large number of political prisoners in 1988 in Iran, the Islamic regime has set a deadline for the execution of Ahmad Reza Jalali.

The world should not allow the Islamic regime to execute Ahmad Reza Jalali. According to the Islamic regime, dual-national prisoners are assets that can be used in business or as leverage in foreign policy. This behavior is highly inhumane and disgusting and should be strongly condemned as extortion.

We declare May 14th as the International Day in Support of Ahmad Reza Jalali in order to save him of execution. On this day, we call on everyone to support Ahmad Reza Jalali and his family by holding a protest rally in anywhere around the world, and demand his unconditional release. At the same time, we call on the Swedish government and other Western governments to strongly protest the Islamic regime’s plot to execute Ahmad Reza Jalali.

The Islamic regime must come under international pressure and be isolated to stop the execution of Ahmad Reza Jalali, and release him from prison. We will spare no effort to overturn the death sentence of Ahmad Reza Jalali and release him.

Please also send an email/tweet to Anne Linde the Swedish Foreign Minister and demand that they must put pressure on the Islamic regime to release Ahmad Reza Jalali unconditionally:


International Committee Against Executions (ICAE)

Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI)

Free Them Now! Campaign to Free Jailed Workers in Iran

For more informaiton please contact:

Shiva Mahboubi- 00447572356661

Mina Ahadi- 00491775692413

Shahla Daneshfar- 00447435562462

Swedish translation of the press release:

14 maj: Internationella protestdagen för att rädda Ahmadreza Djalalis liv

Vi kommer att förvandla hans avrättningskomplott till en stor skandal för den islamiska regimen!

Den iranska statliga nyhetsbyrån ISNA citerade “informerade källor” som sa att Ahmadreza Djalali, en svensk-iransk forskare, ska avrättas i slutet av den iranska Ordibehesht-månaden (21 maj).

Ahmadreza Djalali, en iransk-svensk forskare, har hållits som gisslan av den islamiska regimen sedan 2016, och har dömts till döden sedan 2017, vilket har slagits fasts av den islamiska regimens högsta domstol. Han har upprepade gånger förnekat anklagelserna mot sig själv och sagt att han tvingades erkänna under fysisk och psykisk tortyr. Han är oskyldig och bör släppas omedelbart.

För den islamiska regimen är gisslantagandet av Ahmadreza Djalali och andra med dubbelt medborgarskap ett sätt att ta lösen och utpressning på internationell nivå. Nu, i slutet av Hamid Nouris rättegång i Stockholm och åklagarens begäran om livstids fängelse för hans deltagande i mordet på ett stort antal politiska fångar under 1988 i Iran, har den islamiska regimen satt en tidsfrist för avrättningen av Ahmadreza Djalali.

Världen borde inte tillåta den islamiska republiken att avrätta Ahmadreza Djalali. Enligt den islamiska regimen är fångar med dubbelt medborgarskap tillgångar som kan användas i affärer eller som hävstång i utrikespolitiken. Detta beteende är mycket omänskligt och vidrigt och bör starkt fördömas som utpressning.

Vi utropar den 14 maj som den internationella dagen till stöd för Ahmadreza Djalali för att rädda honom från avrättning. Den här dagen uppmanar vi alla att stödja Ahmadreza Djalali och hans familj genom att hålla ett protestmöte var som helst i världen, och kräva att han villkorslöst friges. Samtidigt uppmanar vi den svenska regeringen och andra västerländska regeringar att kraftigt protestera mot den islamiska regimens komplott att avrätta Ahmadreza Djalali.

Den islamiska regimen måste komma under internationellt tryck och isoleras för att stoppa avrättningen av Ahmadreza Djalali och frige honom från fängelset.

International Committee Against Executions (ICAE)

Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI)

Free Them Now! Campaign to Free Jailed Workers in Iran

4 maj 2022

Shiva Mahboubi- 00447572356661

Mina Ahadi- 00491775692413

Shahla Daneshfar- 00447435562462

Saturday, May 14th, the International Day for saving Ahmad Reza Djalali’s life

A list of protests that have been prepared so far to save Ahmad Reza Djalali’s life, abroad is as follows. This list will be constantly updated, and we hope that many more cities will join this campaign.

Ahmad Reza Djalali is a crisis management researcher who has been held captive by the Islamic regime of Iran since 2016 and they have decided to execute him by the end of May:



Time: Saturday, May 14 – 3 p.m.

Location: Sergels Torg

Phone: 0046737896505


Time: Saturday, May 14 – 2 p.m.

Location: Drottninggatan in front of the train station

Phone- 0046737178819


Time: Saturday, May 14 – 2 p.m.

Location: Gustav Adolfs torget

Phone: 0046739809339


Time: Saturday, May 14 – 1 p.m.

Location: Stora torget

Phone: 0046737598566



Time: Saturday, May 14 – 3 p.m.

Location: in front of the Consulate of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Phone: 00491634411469


Time: Saturday, May 14 – 3 p.m.

Location: Kassel-Friedrichsplatz

Phone- 00491787546843


Time: Saturday, May 14 – 3.30 p.m.

Location: Stuttgart, Marstallstaße Ecke Königstraße / Samstag

Phone: 004917620576747, 004915213302597


Den Hague

Time: Saturday, May 14 – 1 p.m.

Location: 4th floor, Johan de Wittlaan 7, 2517 JR Den Haag

Rally from the Swedish Embassy to the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Phone: 0031684016307



Time: Saturday, May 14 – 3 p.m.

Location: Vancouver Art gallery

Phone: 0016047278689

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