Sunday, February 23, 2025

The UN decided to elect Islamic regime in Iran as a member of the UN Commission on Women’s Rights.


Over the last 42 years Islamic regime in Iran has imposed gender apartheid & the most  misogynist laws and policies on women. Hundreds of women’s rights activists are in prison  in Iran and being tortured. Despite all this, the UN decided to  elect Islamic regime in Iran as a member of the UN Commission on Women’s Rights. 

By electing the Islamic regime,  the UN practically legitimises the regime and closes its eyes on the systemic, legalised crime against women in Iran.  Many of us including myself were tortured by the Islamic regime for defending women’s rights in Iran. Many are still in prison and millions of women in Iran are harrast, arrested, tortured and even executed by the Islamic regime. Women have  been deprived of their basic rights for the last 42 years and now the UN decided to elect the Islamic regime as a member of Commission on Women’s rights!!! How could the UN accept the membership of a regime that has passed and carried out laws to suppress women? What message does the UN send to the women in Iran?

This decision of the UN must be condemned. Insted of legitimising the Islamic regime in Iran, UN must  boycotted the regime for imposing gender apartheid.

Women’s rights activists are in prisons in Iran and being held in the most heroundos condition:

Shiva Mahbobi


Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI)  


 Shiva Mahbobi


Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI)

+44(0) 7572356661

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