Protest Rally in Front of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Hague-The Netherlands!

We Are the Voice of all Political Prisoners!

Protest Rally in Front of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Hague-The Netherlands!

On the occasion of the birthday of Nasrin Setoudeh, an imprisoned lawyer, for her release from prison, to condemn sentences against her, Amnesty International has called for a protest rally in front of the embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in The Hague, The Netherlands.

Campaign to Release Political Prisoners in Iran supports this protest rally and calls on all freedom lovers, human rights activists, and all advocates of unconditional freedom of expression to participate in this rally and become the voices of all political prisoners and their families.

Date and Time:

Friday, May 31, 2019 at 14:00 to 16:00


Duinweg 20, Den Haag

Contact number:

06 16 6569 19