Sunday, March 16, 2025

A children’s rights advocate is jailed in Iran for trying to teach literacy to children!


According to a press release from “Office to defend Work and Street Children”, an organization that advocates for children who are deprived of basic rights, one of its members, Mohammad Hossein-Zadeh, has recently been arrested. Mohammad is an engineer by profession, who works with that organization on his free time to teach children basic literacy, who are, either too busy working to earn a minimum for their family to go to school, or are too poor to buy basic items that going to school requires.

Mohammad Hossein-Zadeh’s family hasn’t been allowed to see him since his arrest. On the night of Mohammad’s arrest, the family had been told that Mohammad is involved in political activities.

The supportive letters (protest letters) should be addressed to Islamic Republic of Iran’s spiritual leader; Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei:, CCed to the current president Hassan Rouhani:; as well as to the ILO (International Labour Organization):

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