Friday, March 14, 2025

Situation of jailed children rights activist Saeed Shirzad


Following weeks of sever kidney pain, the result of sonogram on Saeed Shirzad , children’s rights activist, shows that his left kidney has developed a cyst and his right kidney has shrunk about 25% . This is due to the hunger strikes he participated (one for 39 days, the other for 53 days )and not receiving any medical attention and suffering from nutrition deficiency.  

The doctor’s report suggests that if the matter was not urgently taken care of, the severe infection would completely collapse his kidneys and He should have immediately been admitted to the ER.  Even after three weeks and against the doctor’s orders, the prosecutor would not allow him to be sent there for medical attention.

Saeed had been taken to the hospital before as a result of an issue with a disc in his spine. They did an MRI and the neurologist said he would need several sessions of physical therapy. Even still, he was not allowed to get treatment.

Saeed Sherzad, age 30,  is a jailed Iranian children rights and human rights  defender who is sentenced to jail because of his activities. Saeed  has been also outspoken on the issues of dead penalty and women’s rights. Saeed has worked as a volunteer in several NGOs in Iran including Association in Support of Children’s Rights, Children’s Home of Shoush and Society in Defence of Street Children and has travelled throughout Iran and once to Turkey to provide humanitarian assistance to deprived children and advocate for their rights. Saeed is known in particular for his work in defence of street children, which included organisation training, education, and health services for homeless, disadvantaged, and refugee children in collaboration with UNICEF. He has helped recruit lawyers to support refugee and asylum seeking families to obtain legal documentation, and identified and provided direct support to more than 100 children working in sweatshops. In the summer of 92 he joined Syrian refugees entered Turkey, he would go to the refugee camps and provided the social works they needed. He has also done every kind of social helps to people in the province of Sistan and Baloochestan and some other disadvantaged regions in the country. After the Varzeghaan earthquake in the summer of 1991, he rushed to help the survivors and was arrested but was let go after paying his bail. He eventually was sentenced to one year in prison by branch 26 of the revolutionary court. Once he was released from prison he continued helping the earthquake victims for 6 months by installing electricity in their temporary shelters.  He was then re-arrested and sentenced to three months in solitary confinement for helping the children of political prisoners with their education. He finally was transferred to RajaeeShahr prison in the city of Karaj. After 15 months he was sentenced to 5 years prison by 15th branch of revolutionary court. He needs your help. 

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