Friday, March 14, 2025

An Open Letter from the Family of Behnam Ebrahimzadeh


An Open Letter from the Family of Behnam Ebrahimzadeh addressed to all honorable and freedom lover
Behnam is the defender of human rights, Not a criminal offense.
Behnam (Asad) Ebrahimzadeh was arrested on Dec. 15.
Behnam is labor and children’s Rights Activist, He has always been the advocate of human rights and spent seven years in jail for the defense of those purposes. After the release, Behnam also continued to pursue these goals and was always engaged in helping the Kermanshah and Sarapul Zahab earthquake victim fellowman and children. on November 22th, in an absentee court in Kermanshah Dear Behnam, was sentenced to 18 months in prison on charges of “propaganda against the regime”. Examples of this charge are the publication of news about the disastrous situation of people hit by the earthquake in Sarapul Zahab and the brutal situation of children in the area. We, Behnam Ibrahimzadeh’s family call on everyone be with us to defending him and protesting the condemnation of his imprisonment and arrest. We want everyone to help us free him.
Behnam is not guilty, he is the defender of humanity.
Behnam should be released immediately.
Behnam’s place  is not prison,
Rahman Ebrahimzadeh (father), Aisha Madhassari (mother), Zabiideh Hajizadeh (wife) Mosa Ibrahimzadeh, Isa Ebrahimzadeh, Chaman Malai Prizad Khosravi, Ovat Ebrahimzadeh and Nima Ebrahimzadeh.
December 17, 2018

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