Friday, March 14, 2025

meeting with the representative of the Socialist Party in the Dutch Parliament.


meeting with the representative of the Socialist Party in the Dutch Parliament.
Following the contacts of the campaign to free Political Prisoners with the Socialist Party of the Netherlands on the status of political prisoners December 3, Parisa Poyandeh, the head of the Committee for the Liberation of Political Prisoners and Hussein Ahmadi, neyaz the lawyer of Ramin Hussein Panahi and a member of the Socialist Party Met with Mrs. Sadat Karabulot, a representative of the Socialist party in the Dutch Parliament.
At this meeting, Parisa poyandeh introduce the committee and its objectives, pointed to human rights violations in Iran and the situation of political prisoners, including denial of drug treatment, in relation to some of the political prisoners, including Arash Sadeghi, Ghollek Ebrahimi, Athena Damei, Saeed Shirzad, Soheil Arabi, arrested teachers, arrested truck drivers strike, Ramin Hossein Panahi, Zanyar and Loghman Moradi, Hushmand Alipour and ostad Mohammad Qadir, Ismail Bakhshi, Sepideh Ghaliyan and Ali Nejati, provided information about these prisoners. 
In this meeting, Parisa poyandeh spoke out in particular on the Hushmand  Alipur case, the Haft Tapeh sugar cane protests and the arrest of Ismail Bakhshi, Sepideh Ghaliyan, and Ali Nejati, calling for the Socialist Party’s attention to the situation of these prisoners.
In the end, Parisa poyandeh called for a meeting with representatives of other parties in the Dutch Parliament to attract more support and attention to the situation of political prisoners. She also called for pressure on the European Parliament.
Hussein Ahmadi Neyaz also mentioned the systematic violations of human rights in Iran and long-term sentences for political prisoners without permission to leave, referring to Ramin Hussein Panahi’s case and violating basic rights in this case, violation of the rights of women and girls of Revolution Street And finally called for further support from the Dutch government of the people in Iran.
At the end of the meeting, Sadat Karabulot announced she would like to have the opportunity to attend the Committee’s representatives at the Dutch Parliament meeting, as well as to propose holding a meeting with prominent figures and organizations active in the field of Iranian affairs, as well as well-known Dutch figures.
the campaign to free Political Prisoners 
December.4. 2018

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