Friday, March 14, 2025

 Support the demands of workers in Haft-Tapeh and Ahvaz Steel Workers  in Iran, Jailed labour activists are in prison and being tortured in Iran. Demand their release!


 Jailed labour activists are in prison and being tortured in Iran. Demand their release!

 Support the demands of workers in Haft-Tapeh and Ahvaz Steel Workers  in Iran 

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 Following an on-going strike and mass protests of the Sugar Cane workers of Haft-Tapeh in Iran, Mr Esmael Bakhshi and Mr Ali Nejati and several other workers were arrested. They both are members of the board of directors of Haft-Tapeh Sugarcane Workers’ Syndicate and well-known labour activists in Iran. Other than workers, student activist and journalist Ms Sepideh Gholiyn were also arrested for participating in these protests.  According to the news we have received, Ms Sepideh Gholyan and Mr Esmael Bakhshi have been tortured in prison. There is a growing support, in Iran and around the world, to release all jailed labour activists. We urge you / your union and organization to join Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI) to pressure the authorities in Iran and demand the immediate and unconditional release of all labour activists. We also demand immediate stop to harassment of labour activists and their families in Iran.

The protest of Haft-Tapeh’s workers, which started on 5th November 2018 and temporarily stopped on 3rd December, coincided with several other strikes and protests in Khoozestan province in south of Iran and several other cities across Iran. The on-going Ahvaz Steel Workers’ strike and protest started on 13th November 2018.  They demand: full payment of their unpaid wages, job security, safe working condition, abolishing private ownership and better management of the factory. Haft-Tapeh workers have called for support and unity with other industrial workers and labour unions around the world. Ahvaz Steel Workers joined the Haft-Tapeh workers in demanding the immediate release of Mr Esmael Bakhshi and Mr Ali Nejati and several other activists who have been arrested. These workers also demand the judicial system to stop convicting labour activists with “national security” charge and recognise their right to assembly and organise strikes. Please see Esmael Bakhshi’s speech in the rally:

The Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI) calls on all labour unions, concerned organizations and individuals to stand up and pressure the regime in Tehran to:

  • Release Esmael Bakhshi, Ali Nejati, Sepideh Gholyan and other labour activists.
  • Stop harassing and arresting labour activists in Iran.

 How you can help

SEND A LETTER: (email directly or send it via our website)


Hassan Rouhani Email:            Twitter: @HassanRouhani

Ali Khamenei Email:           Twitter: @khamenei_ir

Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations


Mohammed Javad Larijani

Office of the Head of the Judiciary Pasteur St, Vali Asr Ave South of Serah-e Jomhouri

Tehran, Iran Email: (Subject line: FAO Mohammad Javad Larijani)

[sample letter]

I/We demand:

  • The release of Esmael Bakhshi, Ali Nejati, Sepideh Gholyan and other labour activists.
  • The stop on harassment harassing and arresting labour activists in Iran

SEND A TWEET: @ HassanRouhani  @khamenei_ir @IranCfppi @ILO Free  #EsmaelBakhshi #AliNejati #SepidehGholyan. I support #HaftTapeh


You or/and your union/organisation could also take a few minutes to show your solidarity by sending audio/video/written messages to the workers in Haft-Tapeh. You can publish your message on your social media, send it to the authorities in Iran, and also send it to us so we can publicise it on our media and translate and send it to Haft-Tapeh.

For more information please contact:

Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI)

Shiva Mahbobi, spokesperson      +44(0) 7572356661

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