Friday, March 14, 2025

262 truck drivers are arrested in Iran for participating in a strike action,Join us to demand their release


262 truck drivers are arrested in Iran for participating in a strike action

Join us to demand their release

You can send  a protest letter using the form below.

To : Hassan Rouhani,
To: Mohammed Javad Larijani
To: Ali Khamenei Email:
To: Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations

[emailpetition id=”4″]

The truck drivers in Iran had their first nationwide strike in May 2018 which lasted 11 days. The second round of strikes started in July 2018, and the third round started in September 2018 which lasted 21 days. Following these strikes the Islamic regime has arrested 262 drivers. The regime’s Attorney General threatened to execute the organizers on charges of ‘Moharebeh’ (‘waging war against God’) and ‘threatening national security’.  The only ‘crime’ these drivers have committed is joining strikes  to demand a pay increase, receiving their unpaid wages, improving working condition, lower the cost of insurance, improving the road safety and more affordable vehicle parts.

The drivers have announced their latest wave of strike on 4th November in more than 60 cities across Iran. These strikes will continue despite the constant attempts by the Islamic regime to silence the striking drivers and threatening them to a harsh punishment and death penalty. In addition to their initial demands, the drivers are now demanding the release of 262 drivers who were arrested in the previous strike actions.

The truck drivers’ strike has gained national and international attention and support. Tens of labour unions from different parts of the world have sent letters of support to the authorities in Iran. Among these unions are United Road Transport Union in the UK, the Union of Transport Services in Germany, the International Federation of Truck Drivers, the National Federation of French Trade Unions of the General Federation of Labour (CGT), the North American Truckers Association, ITF and the Teamsters. International Transport Workers’ Federation ( ITF) has called on the International Labour Organization (ILO) to intervene. ITF has issued a statement in support of truck drivers. ITF has also announced that: “the death penalty for strikers is the most serious of violations of workers’ rights, it’s inhumane and unthinkable’. The Teamsters General President James Hoffa called on the government in Iran to address the demands of the truck drivers and stated: “We urge the government of Iran to listen to the grievances of striking Iranian truck driver, address their just demands and recognize their internationally recognized rights to assembly, speech, freedom of association and collective bargaining.”

We ask you to join the international solidarity with the truck drivers in Iran to support their demands and to urge the authorities in Iran to release the jailed truck drivers unconditionally and immediately.

The truck drivers’ strike is the continuation of the mass protests which happened in December 2017. The protests were against poverty, inflation and appalling living condition of millions of people in Iran.

Please take a moment to show your solidarity with the truck drivers in Iran. Please ask your union to send a letter to the authorities in Iran to demand the immediate release of jailed truck drivers.

How you can help

SEND A LETTER: (email directly or send it via our website)

Hassan Rouhani Email:            Twitter: @HassanRouhani

TO: Ali Khamenei Email:    Twitter: @khamenei_ir

Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations


To: Mohammed Javad Larijani

Office of the Head of the Judiciary Pasteur St, Vali Asr Ave South of Serah-e Jomhouri

Tehran, Iran Email: (Subject line: FAO Mohammad Javad Larijani)

[sample letter]

To : Hassan Rouhani,

I urge your government to release jailed truck drivers immediately.  I support the truck drivers and their demands.

SEND A TWEET: @ HassanRouhani  @khamenei_ir @IranCfppi Free all jailed truck drivers. We support the #IranianTruckersOnStrike and their demands.

For more information please contact:

Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI)

Shiva Mahbobi, spokesperson      +44(0) 7572356661

Free Them Now (Campaign to free jailed workers in IRAN)

Shahla Daneshfar, spokesperson   , +44(0)7779898968

International Committee Against Execution (ICAE)

Hasan Salehi, spokesperson  +46(0)703171102




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