Tuesday, March 11, 2025

letter from Canadian Union of Postal Workers in support of recent detainees in Iran


letter from Canadian Union of Postal Workers in support of recent detainees in Iran

Ottawa February 5th, 2018

Hassan Rouhani
Email: media@rouhani.ir
Permanent Mission of the
Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations
Email: iran@un.int

Mohammed Javad Larijani
Office of the Head of the Judiciary
Email: larijani@ipm.ir

On behalf of 50,000 members of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW), I am writing to you to express our great concern about the situation of the thousands of people who have been arrested during and after the December 2017 protests.

We share the analysis made by Sharan Burrow, General Secretary of the ITUC (International Trade Union Confederation). She said:

«Democratic reforms, including gender equality and respect for freedom of association, assembly and speech are the only basis on which real social justice can be achieved. Unravelling the military’s domination of the economy and the power of fundamentalist clerics over everyday life are crucial to the prospects of shared prosperity and economic security. The people of Iran desperately need investment in jobs and decent incomes. At the international level, dialogue was vital in forestalling Iran’s nuclear weapons programme, and all countries should stand ready to engage constructively in a democratic reform agenda»,
To respect the right of people for a decent life we demand the immediate and unconditional release of all protesters. We also demand that all political and workers prisoners be freed.

Mike Palecek,
Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW – STTP)


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