Sunday, February 23, 2025

Support Political Prisoners in Iran


Dear Brothers & Sisters,


Support Political Prisoners in Iran


We write to ask you to support the work of the Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI).


We are an organisation that highlights the plight of Iranian Political Prisoners particularly those from a labour, trade union and socialist background.


We believe that that freedom of speech, the right to organise in a trade union or a political party is not a privilege but a fundamental right. We believe that those freedoms apply to everyone regardless of their race, religion, belief, gender, sexual orientation or political views.


The CFPPI aims to bring an end to systematic and organized attacks on the fundamental and universal rights of people in Iran who have been jailed, tortured and executed for over three decades for daring to fight for trade union civil and human rights.


Our mission is also to build international solidarity to exert pressure on the Islamic regime to end torture, imprisonment and executions in Iran.



We undertake research, raise awareness, lobby governments and international bodies on the


situation of political prisoners in Iran. We also support the ongoing work of labour activists and human rights defenders in Iran through direct links with the movement there.


We kindly ask that you support our work, and with that in mind we enclose a model resolution to support Behnam Ebrahimzadeh – a jailed labour activist.


Please affiliate to the campaign – please make cheques payable to ‘Voice.’


Yours in solidarity



Shiva Mahbobi

Spokesperson for the Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI)




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