Sunday, February 23, 2025

petitions for Amir Amirgholi, jailed student rights activist & Saeed Shirzad, jailed children rights activist in Iran


Petitions in support of political prisoners:

#Saeed Shirzad & #Amir Amirgholi

Amir Amirgholi, jailed student rights activist in Iran, sentenced to 21 years in prison


Saeed Shirzad, jailed children rights activist in Iran, sentenced to 5 years in prison


Please read about ​ Amir Amirgholi and Saeed Shirzad, sign &share the following two petitions by clicking on the links below.



Deadline to sign the petitions: 20 Aug 2016.


We will then send the petitions to UN,EU and other international organizations to pressurise the regime in Iran to release Amir Amirgholi and Saeed Shirzad.


We ask you to sign the two petitions and send it to at least 10 friends to sign. We encourage you to publish the petitions on social media. This might take only 5 minutes of your time, but the 5 minutes you spent on signing & sharing these petitions will help to put pressure on the authorities in Iran to release Saeed & Amir. Your signature will support freedom of expression and will defend the rights of children and students in Iran.


For more information please contact:

Shiva Mahbobi, Spokesperson
Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI)

+44(0) 7572356661


Farsi :


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