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Support the Renewal of UN Fact-Finding Mission and Special Rapporteur Mandates on Iran

29 March 2024

Support the Renewal of UN Fact-Finding Mission and Special Rapporteur Mandates on Iran

On 18 March 2024, Fact-Finding Mission on Iran presented its first report on the atrocity committed by the Islamic regime in Iran during the protests of Woman, Life, Freedom following the death in custody of Mahsa (Jina) Amini. The regime in Iran arrested at least 60,000 and killed over 500 people and demonstrators, including children.

The Fact-finding Mission’s report is historic as during the last 45 years of crime against humanity committed by the Islamic regime, there has never been an International body to investigate these crimes. Fact-Finding Mission’s report encapsulates various aspects of atrocity committed by the Islamic regime since September 2022. This report states that: “The Mission found that State authorities in the Islamic Republic of Iran were responsible for serious human rights violations in connection with the protests that broke out on 16 September 2022. These include unlawful deaths, extra-judicial executions, unnecessary and disproportionate use of force, arbitrary arrests, torture and ill-treatment, rape, and sexual violence, enforced disappearances and gender persecution. Many of these serious violations of human rights amount to crimes against humanity, specifically those of murder, imprisonment, torture, and rape, and also persecution on the grounds of gender, intersecting with ethnicity and religion. These acts were committed as part of a widespread and systematic attack directed against a civilian population, namely women, girls and others expressing support for human rights.

Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI) welcomes the report by Fact-Finding Mission and urges the governments around the world to support the renewal of both Fact-Finding Mission and Special Rapporteur mandates on Iran at the 55th session of Human Rights Council. The renewals of both mandates are crucial in a step forward toward accountability and justice.

Human rights organisation attended the UN Human Rights Council’s 55th session, spoke about various aspects of suppression and crimes committed by the Islamic regime in Iran and the need for further investigations.

Shiva Mahbobi, Spokeswoman for CFPPI, addressed the Council, highlighting the pervasive gender persecution, imprisonment, and torture rampant in Iran. Mahbobi highlighted the regime’s use of torture, including forced administration of anti-psychotic drugs and unjust deaths of prisoners in custody. She stressed the necessity of international accountability mechanisms to hold the Iranian regime accountable for its crimes.

The Islamic regime in Iran continues to pose a grave threat, targeting, kidnapping, torturing, and imprisoning individuals, including rights activists, religious and ethnic minorities, and LGBTQ+ community members. Hundreds of lives are at risk of execution, with the regime perpetrating crimes with impunity.

CFPPI implores all concerned individuals and organizations to urge their governments to vote for the renewal of the mandates of the UN Fact-Finding Mission and Special Rapporteur on Iran at the ongoing 55th session of the UN Human Rights Council (26 February – 5 April 2024). Your support is critical in our fight for justice and accountability.

Take action now and write to your government. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT.

Shiva Mahbobi’s speech at 55th session of the UN Human Rights Council:


Fact-Finding Mission’s report on Iran:


Report on pharmacological torture in prisons in Iran


Weekly update of political prisoners sentenced to execution or in danger of being executed


Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran


For media inquiries, please contact:

Shiva Mahbobi, Spokeswoman

Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI)

shiva.mahbobi@gmail.com Tel: +447572356661



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