نامه کمپین برای آزادی زندانیان سیاسی در ایران (CFPPI) به مناسبت ۲٠ ژوئن، روز جهانی حمایت از زندانیان سیاسی

نامه زیر توسط کمپین برای آزادی زندانیان سیاسی در ایران (CFPPI) به مناسبت ۲٠ ژوئن، روز جهانی حمایت از زندانیان سیاسی در ایران تهیه شده است. این نامه به امضای فعالین سیاسی، هنرمندان، نهادهای حقوق بشر و احزاب رسیده است. نام آنها را زیر نامه مشاهده میکنید.
ما امیدواریم در یک همبستگی جهانی در دفاع از حق آزادی بیان و نقض حقوق انسانی در ایران صدای زندانیان سیاسی، خانواده هایشان و انقلاب «زن، زندگی، آزادی» باشیم!

The following letter was prepared by the Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI) on the occasion of June 20, the International Day of Support for Iranian Political Prisoners. This letter has been signed by political and humanitarian activists, artists, human rights and political parties organizations.
Their names are written below the letter.

International Day in Support of Political Prisoners in Iran
Stand up for the political prisoners in Iran

This year, the Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI) is holding events on the 20th of June, the International Day in Support of Political Prisoners in Iran. On the 20th of June this year, we will remember Mahsa Amini(Jina), a 22-year-old woman who was murdered by the Islamic regime. We will also remember hundreds of protesters who were murdered by the Islamic regime during the revolution of Woman, Life, Freedom in Iran. On 20th June this year, we will remember thousands of women, men and children, who, during the protests, were abducted by the agents of the revolutionary guard and tortured and even killed. Many of the protestors are still in prison while more than a hundred of the political prisoners are either being given death sentences or in danger of being executed.

Over the last 44 years, people in Iran have been fighting against the Islamic regime. Since September and following the killing of Mahsa Amini, the world witnessed the bravery of people in Iran against the brutal and violent Islamic regime. Despite unimaginable violence and crackdown against the protestors, the courageous women along with people across Iran, are still defying the Islamic regime.

This year on 20th June, the International Day in Support of Political Prisoners in Iran, we need every one of you to show your solidarity with the brave people, and the political prisoners, in Iran The political prisoners and their families need your support. While governments around the world are closing their eyes on the atrocities and crimes committed by the Islamic regime and its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), political prisoners and their families depend on the international support and support of people around the world.

We would like to urge you to contact and urge your government and MPs to boycott the criminal Islamic regime and not to negotiate with a regime which is responsible for kidnapping, torturing, imprisoning and executing thousands of women and men including tens of dual nationals, during the last 44 years.

If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us:

About 20 June
In 2011, the Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI) called on all human rights organizations, trade unions, and all concerned individuals to join or organize events on the 20th of June in support of political prisoners in Iran. This day was announced to highlight the imprisonment, torture, and execution of thousands of political activists in Iran. In response to this call, demonstrations were held in 50 cities around the world in 2011, and every year since then.


This letter is signed by the following:

1- Alerk Ablikim, Politiek Secretaris Free Uyghur

2- Ilya Shcharbitski, Voorzitter Vereniging Belarusian in Nederland

3-Tsering Jampa, voorzitter van Tibet Support Group Nederland.

4- Habib el kaddouri, Rif Alert

5- Tatsiana den Brink, Stichting Open Belarus

6- Reza Allamehzadeh, Filmmaker & Writer

7- Roya Moayyed, Human Rights, Union activist, Council of Members Amnesty Netherland

8- Foreign organization of the Communist Party of Iran-Netherlands

9- Diaspora_Woman_Life_Freedom

10-National Front Iran-Netherlands

11- Campaign to Free Jaild workers in Iran (Free Them now)

12- Companionship Council with Iran Labor Alternative, Netherlands

13- Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran, Dutch Committee

14- Internationale committee against Execution

15- Left Party of Iran (Netherlands unit)

16- Atiye Niknafs, Worker Communist Paty of Iran (Netherlands Committee)’s member