Home Statements The arrest of Jafar Azimzadeh and Parvin Mohammadi is condemned.

The arrest of Jafar Azimzadeh and Parvin Mohammadi is condemned.

Today Tuesday January 29th, Jafar Azimzadeh, Secretary of the Free Union of Iranian Workers, and Parvin Mohammadi, deputy chairman of the union were arrested by the security forces of Islamic Republic of Iran and to an unknown location.
The Islamic Republic regime, in fear of escalating the labor protests, arrests well-known and popular leaders of the workers’ movement, in an attempt to silence the workers and millions of people who have been forced into poverty and misery.
For many years, the workers’ struggles for their righteous demands has responded to the regime on the streets and in labor centers.
The Islamic republic regime has reached a dead end. The regime fears for its existence. The arrest of workers’ leaders and teachers’ leaders represents the unprecedented fear that the regime has. These arrests will exacerbate the wrath of the upset society.
The society’s determination for freedom of all political prisoners and demolishing the system of political imprisonments has increased by hundred folds. The regime must end its way of playing tricks and creating fake security-related cases for silencing activities. Workers and teachers have the right to organize and protest against poverty and misery.
The Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran, invites all active workers, teachers, university students, and all people in the world to extend their defense of political prisoners and their concerned families. WE must thwart the Islamic republic regimes evil plans by exposing realities, getting international attention and getting international support!
Jafar Azim zadeh, Parvin Mohammadi, Esmail Bakhshi, Esmail Abdi, and all workers’ leaders and teachers’ leaders must be released from prison immediately!
Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran January 29th, 2019

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